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June 2024 Report

In our June meeting, we discussed what areas we'd like to focus on.  Given the limited time and resources we have and how we'd like to grow our group size, particularly of active members, attendees discussed the various groups we thought we could connect with.


We agreed that we'd like our Group to focus on China, particularly as Woking has a fairly large and active Chinese community, and we think it's an area that could increase our visibility and grow our numbers. Arianna (our wonderful Network Group co-lead) has suggested taking our idea of the Monday meeting on 7th October with a China speaker into a Network meeting on the 15th October. We are all for combining efforts to get greater visibility. It does leave us with an open agenda for our group meeting on the 7th, but possibly with our annual street collection on the 21st Sept and planning for the 15th, we might already have quite a lot to discuss!


Another community with a high percentage of residents in Woking is Pakistan. Keith has contacts in this community who could come and speak and as discussed, if we can get an Amnesty speaker engaged then again this could be a way of extending our reach into our local community. We have pencilled in our November meeting to host this event.


In addition to the above, I'm delighted to welcome Nataly Anderson to our group. She has come to the group with a very personal human rights issue involving her children's abduction. Nataly also advises the human rights group, Liberty on policy matters.


In terms of agenda for our next meeting on Monday, 1 July, Monica has kindly arranged for a country coordinator, Hadil El-Khouly to speak about Algeria and Libya. This should prove very interesting.


Woking Group dates:

  • August - we don't meet.
  • 2nd September - we will be finalising our Street Collection on Saturday, 21 September at Goldsworth Park (in pairs this time rather than individuals). I shall be sending an invite shortly to confirm/request your participation!
  • 7th October - I shall be speaking or finding a speaker for China/Asia. I'll also provide updates on Jimmy Lai as well as (Yu Wensheng + wife), Chow Hang-tung - barrister. The latter two we have written signed letters this year already. Arianna will promote within the Surrey Border Group.
  • 4th November - Pakistan will be covered, Monica will look at find a Country Coordinator and Keith will confirm a speaker as well.
  • 2nd December - will be our annual W4R meeting. Plus we will be hosting a W4R stall at Goldsworth Park on 7th December. We will need your support for this even too!

From a wider network group perspective, here are some other dates for your diary:

Sat 22nd June, Runnymede Group – they’re having a stall at Englefield Green Village Fayre in the afternoon ( I'm planning on attending.

Sat 22nd June, Amnesty UK AGM, 9:30am – 7:30pm Register to attend (online or in person) Amnesty UK’s AGMAmnesty UK’s AGM will take place at Sheffield Hallam University and online on 22 June.

Tue 16th July, Kent and Surrey Network jointly - Network Speaker online Meeting, 7:30pm – Andy Worthington – Guantanamo Justice campaign, 

Pride (in Surrey March) - 21 September - Guildford. Potential for a Network group march.

Tue 17th September, Kent and Surrey Network jointly - Network Speaker online Meeting, 7:30pm –Russia, country coordinator Barry Hay - email Graham Minter for a link –

Tue 8th October, Guildford Group – Guildford Book Festival, Mathilda Della Torre will speak about her book “Conversations from Calais”, St Mary’s Church, Quarry Street, at 6.30 pm.


Thanks for support as always. Keep well, active and look out for one another. We have a lot to be grateful for.


Steph, Monica, Keith 

Co-Chairs Amnesty Woking Group


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