March 2025 update
Hi all,
The news is unbelievably unsettling. The only thing we can do is be as active as we can and defend human rights which is what we do!
Matters arising:
If we are placing a motion for the AGM this needs to be put together soon. Steph will find out when this is due and what is needed.
Lynda, Jen, Rob and Arianna all supported the Runnymede annual quiz night at Egham (and came 3rd!).
Forthcoming event 5th April 1pm-4pm: Amnesty groups network meeting
Balcombe, Parish Bramble Hall (south of Crawley, north of Haywards Heath)
Our next Meeting will be Monday, 7 April at 7:30 pm where we will be hosting a Pakistan focused event - led by Zafar Iqbal, local Woking Borough Councillor, and supported by Cherry Bird, Amnesty Country Coordinator for India and Nepal. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible (virtual or in person).