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May 2024 Update

Below is a summary of our meeting plus a reminder of the key dates for the remainder of the year.

We discussed the Quiz night and all agreed that it was a huge success and we raised approximately £300 net which has already been banked which is great.  In terms of lessons learnt, the primary ones relate to the date of the event (very close to Runnymede's quiz so we need ensure we coordinate dates for both ours next year, plus there appeared to be a lot of other quizzes on the same night - thanks to those who chose to come to ours instead!). We also need to explore other venues given the expense of the Maybury Centre, although we did fill the room well! 

We also discussed the AGM resolutions - had quite a lively discussion - but ultimately we did agree on decisions for the Woking Group.  I have subsequently submitted our Group votes online.  Let any of us know if you would like to know the decisions we made.  Quite a lot of the Resolutions had been submitted by members of the Amnesty Futures group and which related to putting in place more support to local groups (e.g., Resolution 06 relates to putting in place a full time Local Groups Officer, R08 relates to training for activists, R09 providing support), plus R03 which relates to commitment to Individuals and Communities at Risk (IAR), something that I know our group strongly supports.

If you are interested to know more, here is the link to the AGM booklet -

Steph talked briefly about the Amnesty Futures Group and agreed to add our Woking Group to the list of signatures on their form.  As mentioned above, their primary aim is to promote Activist involvement in Amnesty decisions (e.g. adherence to democratic processes), ensure that Amnesty's commitment to IAR remains prominent and build and extend Amnesty's local group support.  They will raise these items at the AGM on the 22 June and use the list of signatories to show national support to their aims.

Any questions, let us know.  Your attendance at the AGM would be much appreciated I'm sure, either online or in person (Sheffield Hallam University).

One other action which our group is undertaking relates to the work that Monica is doing with regard to documenting the history of our group and also summarising the activities we do which we can then use in conjunction with our fabulous leaflets (we've had so many really positive responses from them) and which we can then to use to update our Social media sites (our main website and potentially using it for our Facebook group and for new joiners).  Thanks Monica for making the time to do this, know you are extremely busy with all your other commitments.  

In terms of the topic for our next meeting which is on Monday 3 June, we have agreed to spend some of the session discussing our group strategy, how we continue to grow our numbers, plus sign letters as normal.

Future dates are as follows:

  • 1st July - Monica will aim to identify a Country Coordinator for one of the South America countries (or another if one cannot be found!).  Details will be confirmed nearer the time, but we would look to extend this to the wider local members as well as wider Groups.
  • August - we don't meet.
  • 2nd September - we will be finalising our Street Collection on Saturday, 21 September at Goldsworth Park (in pairs this time rather than individuals)
  • 7th October - Steph shall be speaking or finding a speaker for China/Asia, also providing updates on Jimmy Lai as well as  (Yu Wensheng + wife), Chow Hang-tung - barrister.  The latter two we have written signed letters this year already.
  • 4th November - Pakistan will be covered, Monica will look at find a Country Coordinator.
  • 2nd December - will be our annual W4R meeting.  Plus we will be hosting a W4R stall at Goldsworth Park on 7th December.  We will need your support for this even too!

Think that's it for now.  Thanks for all your support!!   Any questions on any of the above, let us know.


Best wishes,

Steph, Monica and Keith 

(Amnesty Co-Chairs - Woking Group).


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