Leadership Skills

If you have a passion for human rights activism and want to build your skills to help support and mobilise other people we have a number of programmes that you might be interested in. Learn how to become a leader for human rights!
Facilitated learning
Rise Up
Rise Up is our campaign training programme for 16-24yr olds who want to lead creating change on the issues that matter most to them.
We believe that everyone’s got the right to shape society no matter where you’re from or what you do. But often it’s hard to know where to start. So we’re going back to basics offering a course that will help build skills, knowledge, confidence and networks to bring about the change you want to see.
Amnesty Teacher Programme
Are you a teacher with a passion for human rights, equality and justice? Our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) teacher programme will strengthen your skills in teaching and training colleagues and you will meet experts in human rights education to support your professional development. You will also receive the latest resources and try out exciting tools and methods to explore human rights issues in your classroom, your subject area and your wider school community.
Youth Coaches training
The Human Rights Education team are piloting a new project to support Amnesty Youth Groups and youth activism in schools.
We are recruiting activists and human rights educators for the pilot. Successful applicants will be matched with, trained, and supported to offer tailored coaching to a participating Amnesty Youth Group over a 9-month period.
Click here to find out more and apply to take part
If there is any learning content that you would like to see on this page or think we should prioritise you can email HRE@amnesty.org.uk and we collate all suggestions to help us plan and prioritise future learning and training creation. We cannot guarantee that anything you request will be created.