Learning about Human Rights

If you are new to working on human rights issues or are looking to refresh or build your knowledge, we offer a variety of learning on different key human rights areas to help you.
Learn how human rights relate to your own life and gain tools to take action for human rights. By the end you will feel confident to explain what human rights are and have the knowledge and skills to defend and promote human rights.
Introduction to Human Rights Education
This course explains the importance of human rights education (HRE) in society, and provides practical skills for effective lesson planning and facilitation. Whether you are an educator, activist, active community member, or just getting started, you'll find tips and tools for creating and facilitating HRE spaces.
Introduction to Amnesty International
Learn about Amnesty International and the work the organisation does to defend and promote human rights globally.
Introduction to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
In this free course you will explore the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and learn how it empowers you to know, claim and defend your rights.
Don't Prevent Rights, Protect them - an Introduction to the Government’s Prevent Duty
This short course on the Government’s Prevent Duty will be enable you to understand what the Prevent duty is, the harms done to communities by Prevent, how it infringes on human rights, and understand what Amnesty has found as part of its research into Prevent.
Taking a Stance Against the Death Penalty
Learn about some common misconceptions about the death penalty and why it violates human rights.
In this short introductory course, learn the scope of children’s rights, how they are different to the rights we all enjoy and what the obligations of government are in protecting them.
Speaking out for Freedom of Expression
By the end of this 20 minute course you will be able to explain what the right to freedom of expression is, outline common threats to freedom of expression, and take action to defend and promote the right to freedom of expression.
Freedom of Expression - A Fundamental Right
This self-paced 10 hour course will equip you with the knowledge to understand and claim your right to freedom of expression, and the skills and confidence to take action to defend it.
Human Rights Defenders - short guide
This 20 minute course equips and enables you to talk to your family and friends about human rights defenders and the issues faced by them.
Learn about human rights defenders, their work and the threats they face. Discover how to become one and use your skills to speak out against injustice. (15 hours)
Learn about the right to Freedom of Assembly and Expression, from a UK perspective. In this free course you will investigate the concept of protesting as a tool for social change, as well as how the freedom to protest is under threat.
People, Power and Politics: Influencing Political Decision-Makers on Human Rights
Build your knowledge of human rights and British politics and learn key strategies to influence and advocate for human rights. In this free course, you will gain deeper understanding of the UK political system and human rights to help you advocate for change.
Your right to protest in Scotland
Amnesty Scotland and JRS Knowhow collaborated to create legal educational materials about the right to protest in Scotland. Do you know about your rights?
Learn why protest is protected by human rights, how the freedom to protest is under threat throughout the world, and how you can defend your right to protest.
This course is designed for researchers, campaigners and activists working on police and human rights. The course will give you a basic understanding of the international human rights laws and standards applicable in law enforcement. You will learn the fundamental human rights principles governing police work; and learn when police can use force (and when not), including the rules that should govern the use of different weapons, and how human rights compliant policing of protests should look like.
Freedom of Peaceful Assemblies: Notifying Authorities
Learn how ordinary citizens, whose protests were not authorised by Russian authorities, took their case to the European Court of Human Rights and won.
Freedom of Peaceful Assemblies: Protection of Protestors
Learn how a group of activists in Georgia appealed to the European Court of Human Rights for a judgement in protecting their right to safely conduct a march against homophobia without fear of violent counter-demonstrations.
Confronting and Countering Gender-Based Violence
Gender-based violence is a global pandemic that disproportionately affects women, girls and gender-nonconforming individuals. Learn about the various forms of violence that constitute this crime against humanity, and explore strategies for preventing and addressing it.
Violence against Women: Consent
Learn about the case of 'E.B', who sought justice when Romanian authorities failed to investigate her allegations of rape adequately.
Climate Justice - Futurelearn
Climate Justice - Human Rights Academy
Learn why climate change is a human rights issue, and how human rights can be used as a tool to combat the climate crisis. Take the Climate Justice course either on Futurelearn or the Human Rights Academy.
Climate Change and Human Rights Participatory Workshop: A Facilitators Manual
This manual can be used as a standalone workshop or as part of a blended learning journey alongside the Climate Change and Human Rights course.
Energy Transition: Powering Change or Business as Usual?
This 45 minute course delves into the critical human rights issues surrounding the energy transition and will equip you with the knowledge and tools to ensure a transition away from fossil fuels that respects human rights. Take this transformative journey to understand the impact of mining raw minerals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and take action to promote a sustainable and rights-respecting energy transition.
Decoding Descent-based Discrimination
Understand the global prevalence, forms and manifestations of descent-based discrimination. Take action to fight racial discrimination based on descent/caste.
Combatting Gender-based violence Online
Develop a comprehensive understanding of how gender-based violence manifests in online spaces and its impact on human rights and gender equality globally. Gain the knowledge and tools to effectively advocate for and promote gender justice. From identifying different forms of online gender-based violence to developing strategies for prevention and addressing its impact, you will be equipped with the skills needed to take action and create positive change.
Diversxs: A call to action for LGBTIQ+ rights
This course aims to raise awareness, inform and call for action to reduce violence and discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people. Upon completion of this course, you will be equipped with knowledge, tools and attitudes to defend human rights in a context where LGBTIQ+ people suffer crimes and attacks on their rights and dignity. Recommended age 15+.
This 3-hour course launched on World Refugee Day in 2023. Enroll now to explore topics such as the legal framework for refugee protection, the impact of displacement on health and well-being, and the role of civil society in defending refugee rights. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of refugee rights and the challenges faced by displaced populations around the world. You will have the tools and knowledge necessary to advocate for the rights of refugees and to become effective allies and advocates for displaced populations.
An Introduction to Human Rights Advocacy
Sign up to our introductory online course on human rights advocacy. It is a completely free course done at your own pace. By the end of it, you will be able to understand the basic principles of advocacy and develop your own advocacy initiative. Together, we can create a more human rights friendly world!
Art and Protest: Promoting Human Rights through Creative Expression
This 45 minute course delves into the powerful role that art and creative expression play in promoting human rights and advocating for change. It highlights how art can be a transformative tool in challenging oppressive systems. Designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to harness the power of art for activism, this course is particularly valuable for young people, artists, and educators.
This short microlearning course can be completed in approximately 20 minutes and is self-paced. By the end of this course learners will be able to: Explain how taxation is a human rights issue, Challenge common myths and misconceptions about taxes, and Argue for key principles of a rights-respecting tax system.
Find more online courses on Futurelearn, Amnesty International’s Human Rights Academy and Human Rights Workout. For a more comprehensive list of our resources and recommended reads organised by topic, you can look at our education themes page.
If there is any learning content that you would like to see on this page or think we should prioritise you can email HRE@amnesty.org.uk and we collate all suggestions to help us plan and prioritise future learning and training creation. We cannot guarantee that anything you request will be created.