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How to leave us a legacy

Tatina smiling
Leave Amnesty a legacy © Amnesty

How can we help?
What are your thoughts about leaving a gift in your will?

About you:

Personal details
You will receive a confirmation by email. We’d also love to keep you updated about our work by email, including information about our campaigns, fundraising appeals, events and the impact we have together. (You can opt out at any time)
Please keep in touch by email
Are you 18 or over?
As you are under 18, please tell us your date of birth so that we can send you information relevant to you
Manually enter address

We need your postal address to send you your Will guide

* Mandatory information we require to administrate your request.


Your information will be held securely by Amnesty International United Kingdom Section – a limited company registered in England (01735872), and Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust - a charity registered in England & Wales (1051681) and in Scotland (SC039534).

You can change how you hear from us at any time by writing to Amnesty International UK, Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA or emailing

At Amnesty International UK, we believe you have the right to privacy and we take our responsibility for defending that right seriously. We will never sell or swap your personal information with anyone else. To find out more about how we use your information, please read our privacy notice.


AIUK Gifts in Wills Guide 2023-24
AIUK Gifts in Wills Codicil Form