Please fill out the below if you would like to sign up to any of our mailings.
Monthly Local Group emails are sent to all group contacts at the end of each month, except for December. These emails contain local group updates, campaign updates and other information. If there are additional members of your group who would like to receive these emails, please add their names to the form under 'Monthly Local Group Emails'. You can also ask to be added to the mailing list by emailing throughout the year.
To change your group’s primary contact please contact us at
The information that you provide will be held by Amnesty*. We need to hold this data to process your communication preferences regarding updates and campaigns in your selected regions in addition to any urgent actions. These details will also be shared with the Amnesty* Activism Representatives ( and Country Co-ordinators ( to facilitate your request for information.
For more information about how Amnesty* processes personal data, please view:
To help groups and activists understand their responsibilities regarding data protection, we have prepared a set of guidelines which can be downloaded here:
* Amnesty is the collective name for Amnesty International (United Kingdom Section) – a limited company registered in England (01735872), and Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust – a charity registered in England & Wales (1051681) and in Scotland (SC039534).