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Amnesty International UK
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July/August Newsletter now available

If you can tear yourselves away from the World Cup / Wimbledon / Tour de France / gardening / snoozing in a deckchair, please find attached the summer Group Newsletter for your delectation.

I look forward to meeting up with you at our regular Pumble (Pub Ramble), this time along the Chichester Canal Basin on Saturday 28 July (with sunhat, sunscreen and sturdy shoes!).  Your committee are planning our next event in September, when we hope to join other voluntary organisations and groups at the 'Live better together' series of events being organised by Chichester Cathedral - more on that in our next newsletter.

Actions this month are in support of those Saudi women recently imprisoned for campaigning for the right to drive; and for an Algerian blogger convicted with a 10 year prison sentence, who is a prisoner of conscience.

Newsletter July 2018
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