Mayor of Minehead supports Write for Rights

Our third Write for Rights event this year was on Friday 14 December, when we hosted the weekly coffee morning in the Avenue Methodist Church and invited the public in to sign cards and letters. We chose five cases out of the Write for Rights booklet and collected about 55 signatures on each of the greetings/solidarity cards, and between 35 and 55 on each of the letters to the relevant authorities. In addition, 17 action cards were signed for Nonhle Mbuthuma (South Africa) and Geraldine Chacon (Venezuela). Our steady stream of visitors said they enjoyed the welcoming and relaxed atmosphere in the church, and people took their time to read the case sheets and then stop for coffee and cake. We were particularly pleased that the Mayor of Minehead, Cllr Norman Hercock, was able to join us and sign all the cards and letters.
This coffee morning concluded our Write for Rights campaign for 2018. Together with the stall at the Carhampton church coffee morning and our letter writing afternoon in November, we have signed and posted a total of 37 action cards, written 63 letters and 38 solidarity cards, and gathered between 30 and 55 signatures on each of seven letters to the authorities. And although none of these were primarily fund-raising events, we also collected about £50 in donations. It all helps!