Press releases
Amnesty invites journalists to enter its annual Media Awards

Amnesty International is inviting entries for its 23rd annual Media Awards 2014, a prestigious set of awards which recognises the vital role journalists play and the serious risks they face in highlighting injustice around the world.
Previous winners have included Anthony Loyd (The Times), Ronke Phillips (ITV London), Eamonn McCann (Nations & Regions), Robin Hammond (Photojournalism), Ai Weiwei and Cheng Yizhong (New Statesman), BBC World Service and Channel 4 News.
Entries - which must have been published or broadcast for the first time in the UK between 1 March 2013 and 31 July 2014 - are invited in the following categories:
- Digital Innovation: for innovation in digital news delivery
- Television News: includes footage hosted online and available on an international broadcast platform
- Documentary: includes programmes given a UK TV or theatrical screening
- Radio: includes podcasts and content can also be seen or heard on a channel that has a broadcast platform in the UK and available internationally
- National Newspapers: for one article or a series of up to three
- Magazines (two awards): for content published in a consumer magazine and magazine-style weekly or monthly newspaper supplement
- Nations & Regions: print or broadcast entries from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the English regions (see contact details below)
- Photojournalism: for pictures published in the UK
- Gaby Rado Memorial Award: for a journalist who has reported human rights stories in broadcast, online or print media for less than five years
To encourage a wide range of entries, we have established a sponsorship fund to support a limited number of entries from freelance journalists and filmmakers, as well as small digital and broadcast outlets.
The closing date is Friday 1 August 2014.
Entries to the Nations & Regions category is free.
Entries should be made online at www.amnesty.org.uk/mediaawards
The winners of the Media Awards will be announced at a ceremony at London’s BFI on Tuesday 11 November 2014.
Note to editors
For further information on criteria and eligibility, and for entry forms: www.amnesty.org.uk/awards. Please note: all entries must be submitted online.
For further queries, please contact: Alison Willis, 020 7033 1544, amnestymediaawards@keystone-group.co.uk