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Amnesty starts blogging on human rights in Scotland

Amnesty International today launched a new regular blog on human rights issues in Scotland. This fortnightly post will set out to provide the Scottish angle on human rights and the human rights angle on Scotland.

Commenting on his introductory post, Amnesty’s Programme Director, Scotland, John Watson, said:

“There is a need of a human rights discussion in Scotland, a discussion that has been sadly lacking to date. This blog will provide a Scottish angle to human rights concerns, such as the War on Terror and asylum seekers. It will highlight how marginal groups in Scottish society are experiencing human rights problems in our modern, wealthy society. And it will set out to unpick some of the human rights issues developing in Scotland.”

John Watson continued:

“In Scotland we mostly hear about human rights with regard to prisoners getting compensation from the Government, resulting in a fairly negative public perception. Its time we built up understanding of the many ways in which human rights impact on our lives, underpin many of the benefits and protections which our society enjoys and

The Scottish human rights blog will appear fortnightly, at Friday lunchtime at Blogs already planned for the coming weeks will consider hate crime legislation, people trafficking, arming the police with taser guns and Scottish links to the CIA’s programme of rendition flights.

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