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Amnesty International UK
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The price of conscience

The Israeli Government should seize the opportunity to recognise the right to refuse to perform military service for reasons of conscience, Amnesty International urged in a new report today, as the...

Human rights efforts at risk

Haiti's efforts to foster a climate of respect for human rights are at serious risk, Amnesty International said today, as it revealed the findings from its latest visit to the country.

Continuing harassment of political opponents

Harassment of political opponents to the government of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo continues to be widespread in Equatorial Guinea, Amnesty International said today.


The unfolding catastrophe in the Northern Caucasus and the international communityís muted response to the situation is further evidence of the selectivity of response to human rights violations when...

Letter to UN Secretary-General on East Timor Commission of Inquiry

Amnesty International has today sent a Letter to UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, recommending certain criteria to ensure a thorough, independent and effective inquiry into serious human rights...

Legislation and the erosion of human rights

The events of the past year in Malaysia demonstrate the degree to which safeguards protecting human rights have been consistently weakened over many years, Amnesty International said today in a major...

7th Anniversary of Carandiru massacre: contempt and neglect for 111 lives

The appalling delay in bringing those responsible for the Carandiru massacre to justice underscores the contempt and neglect in which prisoners are held in Brazil, Amnesty International said on the...