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Prisoner shackled and beaten for 11 months

'On the evidence available, Amnesty International believes that this treatment amounts to torture and that this prisoner is being singled out by the authorities,' Amnesty International said. 'The...

Organisation of African Unity: End impunity in Togo

On 7 June 2000 the United Nations and the OAU jointly announced the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into allegations of hundreds of extrajudicial killings in Togo in 1998. Amnesty...

Deportees should not be ill-treated

The campaign has been carried out intermittently for at least the last two years. The current campaign began in April 2000 with the government announcement widely disseminated in the media, calling on...

continuing human rights violations

'The problem of excessive use of force by police appears to be particularly serious in Belize City and in the areas near the Guatemalan border,' the organisation added. In 1999 local human rights...

A constitution lacking human rights guarantees is nothing to celebrate

'In human rights terms, there is nothing to celebrate about the Australian Constitution. When passed, it deliberately excluded Asians on racist grounds and ignored even the existence of Aborigines...

President-elect and his government must turn a new leaf in the protection of human rights

The President-to-be must at the very earliest opportunity make clear to all Mexicans and the international community that the unrestricted protection of human rights will be a cornerstone of his...

Concerns about the arrest of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim

The human rights organisation is concerned at reports that Dr Saad Eddin Ibrahim is accused, among other charges, of receiving funds from and collaborating with foreign parties on projects aimed at...


Mr Chell, a psychiatric nurse, was today reportedly convicted of heroin trafficking and sentenced to death by hanging, despite numerous alleged inconsistencies in the prosecution's case against him...

Amnesty International calls for fast and effective action on diamonds

A draft resolution now being considered by the Security Council would ban the export of all rough diamonds from Sierra Leone until the government of Sierra Leone can establish a proper certification...


The Saudi Prince, currently in Britain for an eight-day visit that includes meetings with Tony Blair, Robin Cook and John Prescott and engagements with the Queen and Prince Charles, is governor of the...