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State killing is not the answer

'Guatemala should declare a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty ,' the organisation said. Tomás Cerrate Hernández and Luis Amílcar Cetino Pérez - convicted in...

Proposed anti-terrorist legislation risks human rights violations

Currently under consideration by the Government of India, the Prevention of Terrorism Bill bears many similarities to the former Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA). Amnesty...

Real and credible justice is needed

The jurisdiction, composition and functioning of a court proposed by the government of Sierra Leone last week to the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General will not meet the need to bring to justice...


The winners are: · PRINT Robert Fisk for his series of articles on NATO bombings in Yugoslavia for The Independent · PERIODICALS Janine di Giovanni - The rape of Kosovo in the Times Magazine ·...

Journalists caught in cross-fire

Ignacio Gómez, an investigative journalist from the Colombian newspaper El Espectador and director of the Press Freedom Foundation, has recently had to leave the country fearing for his safety after...

Journalist must be released

'He has been imprisoned because he has exercised his fundamental right to freedom of expression,' Amnesty International said. 'Wilchcombe's sentencing will have a chilling effect on journalists , who...

Human rights must be central to OAS visit

In a letter sent to the OAS Secretary General, César Gaviria Trujillo, the organisation expressed concern that human rights have not been a priority during President Fujimori's terms in office....

Guilt and innocence blurred in summary trials

'Such summary trials , with barely seven minutes spent on each individual, neither allow the innocent to be acquitted nor ensure that those who may be guilty of war crimes will be discovered.' Amnesty...

Electoral observers must not be silent witnesses

A recent Amnesty International mission to Zimbabwe documented widespread human rights violations including arbitrary killings, torture and ill-treatment. These are believed to have caused a pervasive...

Voices of human rights abuse victims

'All forces party to the conflict, both rebel forces and government-allied forces, must respect international human rights and humanitarian law and immediately end abuses against civilians,' Amnesty...