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Democratic Republic of Congo: Escalating repression of critics

'By systematically seeking to silence its critics the government is denying the Congolese people the opportunity to help bring about an end to the armed conflict, human rights abuses and the pervasive...

New legislation: Bermuda shows the way forward

'Bermuda's commitment on 23 December brings the number of abolitionist countries worldwide at a total of over 70,' Amnesty International said. 'As many of her neighbours in the Caribbean continue to...


This was the fifth known execution of a child offender since October1997. All five killings have been carried out in the USA. Since 1990 theUSA has executed more child offenders (11) than the rest of...


ìRobin Cook and Tony Blair can encourage the Iranian government of President Khatami in its planned reforms affecting peopleís rights, but should register sharp concern at the use of special courts...

ASIA: Indian Airlines hijacking - Amnesty International calls for immediate release of hostages

'We condemn unreservedly the killing of one of the passengers and threats to kill further passengers if the hijackers' demands are not met,' the organisation said. 'The taking and killing of hostages...

Executed despite widespread appeals

David Mitchell had a petition pending before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, alleging that his rights under the American Constitution had been violated. Amnesty International also...

Massacre of civilians

News of the killings is only just emerging from Kabezi commune, south of the capital, Bujumbura, which has been the scene of sustained conflict over the past few months. Several of those killed are...

State-sanctioned killing on Epiphany

'The execution set to coincide with the church festival celebrated on 6 January in commemoration of the manifestation of Christ to the Wise Men of the East -- would be a brutal reminder of where the...

Alleged Nazi war criminal Konrad Kalejs

declared in the Principles of International Co-operation in the Detection, Arrest, Extradition and Punishment of Persons Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, adopted in Resolution 3074...