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Lack of concrete progress on outstanding concerns is disappointing

Amnesty International welcomed the encouraging statements made over the past year by the Algerian authorities at the highest level. These included the authorities' wish to deal with these outstanding...

Criminal justice system still on trial

Momcilo Trajkovic, who faces charges of war crimes against ethnic Albanians, will go on trial in the absence of a prosecutor from the international community. The presence of an international...

Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights, Children's rights and activists living in fear of violence in Aceh

'We are used to violence -- we have violence for breakfast' Ridwan*, who was 14-years old when his father was killed after being taken from his village by security forces in 1991. 'While thousands of...

Immediate action needed to end torture

Belarus' disturbing human rights record was once again in the international spotlight yesterday afternoon, as the UN Committee presented the conclusions and recommendations of its four-yearly review...

First executions in four years -- a step backwards for human rights

'There is no convincing evidence that the death penalty deters crimes such as drug-trafficking more effectively than other punishments,' Amnesty International said. 'The Malaysian authorities must...

Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD colleagues -- two months in detention

'The international community should step up pressure on the Burma government to release these prisoners of conscience without delay. Detaining people to silence them is completely unacceptable,' the...

Time to work towards ending torture

While welcoming Armenia's willingness to acknowledge problems during this transitional phase in the country's history, Amnesty International strongly urges the government to set about improving its...

Technical cooperation with the UN is not enough

The MOU program will initially focus on training in the areas of human rights education, police, and the issue of minor crimes and administrative detention. However it does not appear to include a...


Torture of detained Chechens is regular and systematic. Techniques range from savage beatings with hammers to repeated near-suffocation and the rape of both men and Women's rights's rightss rights's...

Amnesty International's Concerns about human rights situation

Human rights violations continue to take place, albeit on a lesser scale than during the period of civil unrest in the mid-1990s. Anti-government protesters or suspected political opponents are...