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Texas set to execute mentally disabled man as it heads for judicial killing record

'We are calling on Governor Bush to act in accordance with his claim to be a compassionate leader and in line with his contention that Texas has become a 'beacon' state under his governorship,'...

A call for human rights leadership as first federal execution since 1963 looms

Juan Raul Garza is scheduled to become the first federal death row prisoner to be executed since 1963. President Clinton has the power to commute his death sentence. Amnesty International is urging...

More Ahmadis killed as government continues to ignore religious violence

'The official silence around the religiously motivated murders on 30 October and the lack of police investigation have directly contributed to a climate in which extremists feel encouraged to harass...

Crack down on young protesters

'In the week that Belarus will appear before the Committee against Torture in Geneva it is inconceivable that the Belarusian authorities should tarnish their already poor human rights record by...


The report, 'Mass arrests and police brutality', based on the findings of an Amnesty International delegation which visited Jerusalem and northern Israel from 21-29 October, strongly criticises the...

Human Rights At Risk

At about 1 pm on 2 November 2000, members of the Fiji army's special Counter Revolutionary Warfare unit (CRW) took at least three soldiers from regular units hostage at Queen Elizabeth Barracks in the...

Government must act to disband armed groups

Following the violence at the peaceful demonstration and reports that the mayors of Hinche and Maissade were among the assailants, the Prime Minister, Jacques Edouard Alexis, reminded the mayors and...

Lethal double standards - Mexican national facing execution in Texas tonight

'Governor Bush can stop this killing,'Amnesty International said. 'He should do so in the name of his country's international reputation and its treaty obligations.' As a Mexican national, Miguel...

Amnesty International welcomes Government action against racially-motivated violence by police

The arrest and suspension from duty without pay of six members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) East Rand Dog Unit and the clear statement by the Safety and Security Minister, Steve Tswete...

Aceh rally must not end in tragedy

The organisation is calling on the Indonesian authorities to exercise restraint and respect human rights in policing the rally, which is being held to mark the first anniversary of a pro-referendum...