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SIERRA LEONE: The international community's resolve to end impunity must be strengthened

'The investigation and prosecution of crimes under international law are a responsibility which must be shouldered by the international community as a whole,' Amnesty International said. 'Relying on...

GUATEMALA: Crying out for justice

'The Guatemalan government must make a serious commitment to bring to justice perpetrators of past human rights violations and the international community must keep up the pressure to ensure that...

SUDAN: Church shootings and arrests must be investigated.

'Amnesty International is concerned that at least nine people, including Children's rights, were flogged as punishment, after being convicted with 47 others for causing 'public disturbance' in an...

THAILAND: Executions will not curb drug trade

'It is outrageous for the new Thaksin government to flaunt its tough anti-drugs stance by executing people. The death penalty provides no solution to growing crime rates. Instead it entrenches a...

INDIA: Hostages must be released

Paul Leo was reportedly taken hostage by an armed Kuki group while on his way to Imphal (capital of Manipur) on 17 April. The incident happened only a few days after the massacre of at least ten...

HAITI: A crucial moment for human rights

In a new report released today Amnesty International details President Aristide's human rights challenges as well as a series of recommendations to deal effectively with them. 'The electoral campaign...

CHINA: Escapes scrutiny again

'Year in and year out, China - a major world power and a leading human rights violator - uses the 'no action' motion to avoid scrutiny of its human rights record. The Commission allows political...

BURUNDI: Amnesty International appeals to all parties for calm

A group calling itself the Young Burundian Patriots announced the suspension of President Pierre Buyoya, his government and the National Assembly on state radio, saying the president who is allowing...

'Bid For Freedom' art auction

The work may be viewed and bids made at or during its exhibition at the Shrewsbury Art Gallery from 1-12 May 2001. Journalists are welcome at the…

TURKEY : Amnesty International's Secretary General meets representatives of Prisoner's Solidarity Committee

Amnesty International's Secretary General reminded the Turkish delegation that the organization does not take action under pressure or threat from either governments or political groups, emphasizing...