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Egypt: Release child imprisoned for alleged sexual orientation

On 31 October Cairo Juvenile Court will hear the appeal case of 16-year-old Mahmud. He was sentenced to three years' imprisonment on 18 September following his arrest in May for alleged homosexual...

Blair Speech: Failing to Affirm Need for Justice and Protection

'People in Britain, initially shocked and dumbfounded by the calamity of 11 September, wish to see a response to that day's horrors based firmly on the need for justice not revenge. Mr Blair's speech...

Afghanistan: Accountability for civilian deaths

'Every civilian victim of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan adds to years of killings, repression, displacement and hunger. The human cost of the conflict continues to mount and increasing reports...

Peru/Japan: Former Peruvian President must be brought to justice for human rights violations

The organisation is urging the Japanese authorities to either return Alberto Fujimori to Peru, where judicial proceedings have been started against him, or to open an investigation into his...

Gambia: Secretary General of AI Gambia released but concern remains

While the organisation welcomes the release of Mr Lamin Sillah, it remains concerned by his arrest and incommunicado detention that can only be seen as an attack on freedom of expression and human...

Gambia: Amnesty International demands the release of the head of its Gambian section

'The arrest of Mohamed Lamin Sillah is an open attack on all human rights defenders in Gambia. We consider it also an attack on Amnesty International and its worldwide membership. He has been detained...

Nigeria: Killings by government soldiers must be investigated

'It appears that the attack by the troops was an act of revenge which went on for three days. There was no imminent danger to the life of soldiers who took part in this military operation. It can only...

Malaysia: Concerns for health of government critics detained without trial

'The six men - five leading activists from the opposition party Keadilan* and a media columnist - have already been made to suffer for their peaceful dissenting political activities. They should not...

Zimbabwe: Amnesty International calls for international observers

The new Amnesty International report appeals to the European Union and the Commonwealth to send international observers as soon as possible, ahead of the Presidential elections due before April 2002...

USA: Amnesty International calls for respect of detainees' rights in wake of 11 September

The organisation is disturbed by reports that many individuals arrested in the wake of these attacks were denied prompt access to lawyers or relatives. In some cases there were delays in gaining...