Press releases in 2002
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The international human rights organisation is further alarmed by reports that indicate that the Ugandan army could be considering this extreme type of measures to discipline soldiers. The army is...
'Deliberately targeting civilians is a grave breach of the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law,' the organisation said. 'This is an unacceptable tragedy and we call on armed...
As a matter of urgency, the government needs to deliver justice to the victims and protect those people who have been displaced. 'If the government of Gujarat does not investigate promptly...
'If those responsible for these killings are not identified and tried in a prompt, impartial and transparent fashion, Haiti's aspirations to the rule of law will be irreparably damaged,' the...
Ronald Camille, linked to popular organisations supportive of Haiti's ruling party Fanmi Lavalas, was charged with killing activist Fritzner Jean outside the Parliament building on 10 September 2001...
Since 14 March, tens of people have been held incommunicado in Bata, the main city in the main continental part on the country, for alleged links with the Fuerza Democrática Republicana (FDR)...