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China: Execution is not a solution

The executions follow recent calls by the authorities for the intensification of the 'strike- hard' anti-crime campaign, and come ahead of the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which...

Argentina: Amnesty International welcomes terms of reference for DaimlerChrysler commission

The Commission is expected to investigate the 'disappearance' of some 14 workers in the Mercedes-Benz factory - now owned by DaimlerChrysler - at González Catán, Buenos Aires Province, in 1976 and...

USA: Detainees from Afghan conflict should be released or tried

The organisation added that, should any of them be prosecuted, they should be given access to a lawyer and receive a fair trial. 'It is time to end the unacceptable legal limbo in which these...

Sri Lanka: Amnesty International urges the government to stop torture

'We have had a long-standing concern about torture, including rape, reported both in the context of the armed conflict and routine police investigations,' Amnesty International wrote in the letter...

Israel/Occupied Territories: New report presents evidence of Israeli war crimes in Nablus and Jenin

The 80-page report, 'Israel and the Occupied Territories: Shielded from Scrutiny, IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus', documents serious human rights violations by Israeli forces. These include...

Bangladesh: Amnesty International calls for independent investigation

'The investigation needs to be prompt, fair and carried out by an independent body,' Amnesty International said. 'All findings of the investigation must be made public and all those responsible for...

Russian Federation: Amnesty International calls for assurances on Zakayev case

The organisation's call comes after Akhmed Zakayev was detained in Copenhagen - where he was attending the World Chechen Congress - following an extradition request from the Russian authorities. An...

Japan/North Korea: Five Japanese abductees must be allowed freedom of choice

'The Governments of North Korea and Japan should allow the five surviving Japanese nationals who were forcibly abducted and taken to North Korea in the 1970's and are currently visiting Japan freedom...

Argentina: DaimlerChrysler opens human rights inquiry

The Commission should have full independence, operate impartially and report its findings publicly. Relatives of the victims and other interested parties must be able to submit their information to...

Russia: Theatre hostage-taking 'yet another outrageous human rights violation' - new report exposes extent of abuse in Russia

As international reaction to the actions continued, Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan added her voice: 'I mourn the victims and extend my condolences and sympathy to the grieving...