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Bolivia: Will the new government defend human rights defenders?

In a new report published today, the organisation details 13 cases of human rights defenders who have been victimised because of their legitimate human rights work. These include activists, lawyers...

Bahrain: Amnesty International concerned that new legislation allows impunity for human rights offences

The letter also expressed concern that a new decree effectively grants impunity for any human rights violations committed before February 2001. Decree No. 56 for 2002 issued by His Majesty on 23...

World AIDS Day: human rights central to battle against AIDS

'Social exclusion, economic deprivation and discrimination are integrally linked to HIV/AIDS.' 'Those who are on the social margins of society, who are denied access to their most basic human rights -...

RUSSIA: No forcible return of displaced Chechens until security guaranteed

The human rights organisation voiced its concern following recent reports that the Russian authorities are planning to close - by the end of January 2003 - camps in Ingushetia for civilians who fled...

KENYA/ISRAEL: Amnesty International condemns targeting of civilians

According to press reports at least eleven people were killed in the attack. Reports also indicated that civilians aboard an Israeli passenger aircraft were also targeted when two missiles were fired...

Ireland: Irish Government refuses access to Amnesty prison researchers

As part of its ongoing work as an international human rights organisation, Amnesty International monitors compliance with international standards in prisons throughout the world. Amnesty has, in the...

CAMBODIA/THAILAND: Sok Yoeun must not be extradited

'This decision is inexplicable. The Thai courts faced a big test with this case and were found wanting,' Amnesty International said today. The presiding judge disregarded the fact that Sok Yoeun has...

Bosnia-Herzegovina: SFOR detention violates human rights

On 22 November the organisation wrote to the Commander of the Eagle Base – the headquarters of the United States (US) Army detachment to SFOR – Brigadier General John T. von Trott, stating the...

Turkmenistan: Government must seek justice not revenge

'Precisely at times of heightened tensions governments must ensure that all measures taken are in accordance with international human rights law. We are particularly concerned that the government's...

Russian Federation: Lawmakers must abide by Russia's international obligations in safeguarding freedom of expression

'We welcome President Vladimir Putin's decision to veto the proposed law amendments concerning the coverage of extreme situations. However, Russian parliamentarians must ensure that any amendments to...