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Iraq: Fear of war crimes on both sides

The organisation's Senior Director of International Law has called on Coalition forces to justify the targeting of Iraq's main TV station in Baghdad. Coalition forces have confirmed attacking the main...

Iraq: Bombing of State television

'The bombing of a television station, simply because it is being used for the purposes of propaganda, cannot be condoned. It is a civilian object, and thus protected under international humanitarian...

Mexico: Torture still widely used by state, says report

The organisation is calling on the Mexican authorities urgently to tackle the use of torture and review the many unsound cases where torture-based evidence has led to a conviction. The new report...

Kashmir: Amnesty International condemns massacre of civilians

The human rights organisation expressed concern that the killings may have been intended to undermine movements towards peace talks in Kashmir, and called on the authorities to begin an immediate...

Iraq/USA: No double standard on POWs

Amnesty International said: 'Prisoner of war should be treated humanely and not be subjected to any form of torture or ill-treatment and should be given immediate access to the International Committee...

Iraq: Water and other humanitarian needs must be met

Basra has been under fire by the USA and its allied forces for the last three days. Amnesty International said: 'We are concerned that the situation in Basra may be mirrored in other cities and...

Zimbabwe: Mass arrests signal new and dangerous phase of repression

Although some of those arrested have been released, many remain in detention, whilst the whereabouts of others remain unknown. At least one person, Steven Tonera, a farmworker in Manicaland province...

Iraq: Military action could trigger civilian and human rights catastrophe

With the onset of military action against Iraq, 'Those who have launched the military attacks must take responsibility if their action provokes a human rights and humanitarian catastrophe. We fear it...

Democratic Republic of Congo: A neglected human rights tragedy in Ituri province

Amnesty International said this today in a new report on the deteriorating situation in Ituri province in north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 'There must be no hiding place for those who...

Viet Nam: Prisoner of conscience must be released

'This is yet more evidence of the ongoing harsh crackdown on freedom of expression by the Vietnamese authorities,' Amnesty International said. By arresting Dr Nguyen Dan Que the government continues...