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Afghanistan: New report says police reform essential to nation-building

The 47-page report, launched today in Kabul, details widespread instances of torture, arbitrary detention and extortion by police officers - including the use of electric shocks, and severe and...

Sudan: Restrictions on freedom of expression must be lifted

'The Sudanese government's imposition of 'red lines' prohibiting the reporting of politically sensitive issues is a clear violation of the internationally recognised right to freedom of opinion and...

Spain: Torture allegations must be investigated now

The public call for a prompt and impartial investigation comes as the Spanish government announced legal action against four directors of the Euskaldunon Egunkaria newspaper for 'falsely' accusing...

Zimbabwe: Appeal to Commonwealth leaders on Commonwealth Day

Supporters and officials of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), the independent media, church leaders and human rights defenders continue to be subjected to harassment, arbitrary...

Jordan: AI Secretary General Irene Khan discusses Iraq with King Abdullah

Speaking after an audience with His Majesty King Abdullah bin Hussein, Ms Khan welcomed his call for greater attention to be given to the humanitarian situation inside Iraq in case of war. King...

UK: Wake-up call to UK government on torture

With recent press reports of alleged deaths in custody after torture and beatings at the US airbase at Bagram, of a Spanish newspaper editor being tortured in Spain and a senior German police officer...

Thailand: Death threats against human rights defender

Dr Pradit Chareonthaitawee has received death threats this week from an anonymous telephone caller to his private residence and was told by the caller to stop talking to the United Nations (UN) or he...

Uganda: Soldiers executed after unfair trial

The executions confirm fears expressed by Amnesty International, following the execution of two other UPDF soldiers in March 2002, that the Ugandan Army has adopted the use of the death penalty as an...

Iraq: Security Council needs to deploy human rights monitors now

The organisation also called on the Iraqi government and the Kurdish authorities controlling parts of northern Iraq to provide the monitors with all the necessary access and cooperation. 'Whatever the...

Turkmenistan: President Niazov should keep promise, release imprisoned ecologist

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, the International League for Human Rights, and the Memorial Human Rights Centre called for the...