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Amnesty International UK
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Iraq: Amnesty International Condemns Attack on Red Cross

Amnesty International UK Media Director Lesley Warner said: 'Armed groups must end the policy of targeting Iraqi civilians and international humanitarian agencies who are trying to provide help and...

Saudi Arabia: Call for release of protestors as report of woman demonstrator subjected to beating

Amnesty International today called on the Saudi Arabian authorities to release people being detained for taking part in recent peaceful protest demonstrations as the organisation voiced its concerns...

D R Congo: Government must act to end atrocities and give victims justice

There cannot be real peace in DRC until these atrocities stop and there is justice for the victims and their families, said the human rights group, as it called on the government to investigate all...

Pakistan: New Report Reveals Thousands of Children's rights Detained in Defiance of Human Rights Standards

The report, 'Pakistan: denial of basic rights for child prisoners' , reveals that Children's rights can spend several months or even years in detention simply because their families cannot afford to...

Grenada: Forerunner to Guantanamo sees 'Grenada 17' Still Imprisoned 20 Years On

The report, The Grenada 17: Last of the Cold War Prisoners documents arbitrary detention without charge, appalling detention conditions and allegations of torture, leading up to an unfair trial that...

Democratic Republic of Congo: Uganda must stop stoking the conflict

Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said: 'Armed groups, sponsored and supported by the Ugandan and Rwandan governments and the central government in DRC, have stoked inter-ethnic...

UK: New arms laws will be 'full of holes'

Today's (Friday 17 October 2003) government response, to the parliamentary committee responsible for scrutinising the new law, shows that the loopholes are being ignored and as a result, British-sold...

UK: Gun crime - Urgent action needed to cut supply of guns to criminals

Official statistics show that the total number of firearm offences in 2002/03 (excluding offences involving air weapons) increased by three per cent. Lesley Warner, Amnesty International UK Media...

Nepal: New report shows alarming upsurge in 'disappearance' cases

Amnesty International has to date recorded over 250 cases of 'disappearance' since members and supporters of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist) declared a 'people's war' in February 1996. In...

Bolivia: Human rights and rule of law must be protected during crisis

According to information received, most of the victims had received bullet wounds. The joint forces' use of large calibre combat ammunition and the tragic consequences of the military operation have...