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Amnesty International UK
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Mexico: Security for everyone at WTO meeting in Cancun

Amnesty International UK Media Director, Lesley Warner, said: 'Activists from all over the world have the right to travel to Cancun to express their legitimate concerns about the way trade is...

Democratic Republic of Congo: Children's rights at war

In Democratic Republic of Congo: Children's rights at War , Amnesty International reports that the DRC national army, and armed groups backed by Uganda and Rwanda, continue to abduct and forcibly...

Israel/Occupied Territories: Crippling movement restrictions condemned as collective punishment

Closures, blockades, checkpoints, curfews and a barrage of other restrictions imposed by the Israeli authorities on Palestinians have made even short journeys between towns and villages dangerous and...

Viet Nam: Prisoners of conscience face a long term sentence

The three prisoners of conscience are the nephews and niece of imprisoned Catholic priest and prisoner of conscience, Father Nguyen Van Ly. The three will be tried for infringing upon 'the interests...

Malaysia: Deporting asylum seekers - violation of international law

Recent reports indicate that seven have already been deported to Indonesia and that others may face imminent deportation. The asylum seekers, who may be genuine refugees fleeing the conflict, were...

Chile: No excuses for impunity 30 years on

Thirteen years after the return of civilian government many issues of concern, such as impunity for perpetrators of gross human rights violations committed under the military government and the demand...

Serbia and Montenegro: Torture allegations must be investigated

Amnesty International is demanding immediate access to prisoners arrested in Serbia and Montenegro's 'Operation Sabre' after its latest report released today details torture allegations including...

Canada: Police killing of Dudley George - questions still unanswered after eight years

George was fatally wounded on 6 September 1995 when heavily armed police officers attacked a much smaller group of protestors occupying Ipperwash Provincial Park. Amnesty International said: 'Year...

DRC: UN Force Must Not Stand-By as Massacres Take Place

Amnesty International UK Media Director, Lesley Warner, said: MONUC has a new, more robust mandate and it must use this to assure the civilian population that it will not stand by and watch people...

Burma (Burma): Aung San Suu Kyi must be freed immediately

Amnesty International UK Media Director, Lesley Warner, said: 'Prisoner of conscience Aung San Suu Kyi should never have been arrested in the first place. The SPDC must release her immediately.' While...