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Brazil: Authorities must prevent bloodbath in the 'real City of God'

Amnesty International said: “British audiences were shocked by the film City of God and its scenes of brutal violence in Rio’s favelas. Sadly for many people in Brazil this is a terrifying, daily...

Italy: Human Rights Of Refugees Violated

The immediate forced return to Libya, by aeroplane, of over 300 foreign nationals newly arrived in Italy constitutes a very serious violation of national and international laws and conventions...

Israel/Occupied Territories: Excessive Use Of Force In Gaza Incursion Condemned

In the past week (since the evening of Tuesday 28 September) more than 70 Palestinians have been killed, more than a third of whom were unarmed and including some 20 Children's rights. Hundreds of...

Zimbabwe: Another Death at Porta Farm - 11 People Dead Following Police Misuse of Tear Gas

On 22 September Amnesty International reported that 10 people had died at Porta Farm, following exposure to tear gas. Relatives of the 10 deceased have confirmed this information to Amnesty...

Jamaica: Worldwide Forensic Expert to Observe Autopsies of August Town Killings

Members of the community claiming to be eye witnesses reportedly stated that soldiers approached Alcott because he was smoking marijuana and shot him in the stomach. As he attempted to flee the fire...

China: School Trips to the Executioner

The schoolChildren's rights were part of an audience of 2,500 people. Held in a gymnasium in Changsha, capital of central Hunan province, the sentencing rally was timed to coincide with the Mid-Autumn...

UK: Amnesty International Submission to House Of Lords Opposing Indefinite Detention

Next week, from Monday 4 October 2004, an Amnesty International delegate will also be observing the proceedings before the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords (the House of Lords) in the case of...

UK: Campaigners herald Jack Straw's 'major move' on arms controls

Amnesty International, Oxfam and IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms) launched the global Control Arms campaign almost exactly one year ago. It calls for a legally-binding, international...

Europe: Flimsy controls fail to prevent EU countries selling arms to human rights abusers

The call comes as the NGOs launch a report called Taking Control: The Case for a More Effective EU Code of Conduct 'The EU Code is a first step, but clearly it is not meeting its objective of ensuring...

NI: Ed Byrne to headline Belfast Amnesty benefit

Amnesty International and the Belfast Festival at Queen’s are delighted to announce that comedian Ed Byrne will headline the Stand Up For Justice comedy benefit at Belfast's Elmwood Hall on Tuesday...