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The Secret Policeman's Ball comes to Wales

Sherman Theatre to host the Secret Policeman's Ball Cymrucast with Rhod Gilbert Amnesty International today announced that the forthcoming Secret Policeman's Ball will be seen for the first time in...

Cymru: Gwasanaethau ysgolion - allweddi rhydd

Eleni, mae Amnest Cenedlaethol Cymru’n dathlu Wythnos Diogelu Dynolryw ar 14-20 Hydref ac rydym yn gofyn i ysgolion yng Nghymru gynnal gwasanaethau arbennig i ganolbwyntio ar hawliau dynol. Mae’r...

Cymru: ‘The Secret Policeman’s Ball’yn dod i Gymru

Theatr Sherman i gynnal Cymrucast ‘The Secret Policeman's Ball’ gyda Rhod Gilbert. Cyhoeddodd Amnest Rhyngwladol heddiw y bydd ‘The Secret Policeman's Ball’ yn cael ei weld am y tro cyntaf yng Nghymru...

Thailand: Human rights protections must be upheld

Following a military coup d’etat and the declaration of martial law in Thailand yesterday, Amnesty International has called for the military authorities to comply with Thailand's obligations under...

Sudan (Darfur): AU extension a first step, but must be followed by UN peacekeepers

Reacting to news reports that the African Union Peace and Security Council has agreed to an extension of the AU peacekeeping mission in Sudan, Amnesty International said that the development is a...

Seamus Heaney praises Mandela on becoming Amnesty 'Ambassador of Conscience'

Nobel Literature Laureate Seamus Heaney, whose poem From the Republic of Conscience first inspired the "Ambassador of Conscience" Award, was the first to congratulate Mr. Mandela.

Indonesia: Executions are state-sanctioned killing and a serious setback

Amnesty International today (21 September) condemned the executions of Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus da Silva and Marinus Riwu after what might have been an unfair trial. Amnesty International is deeply...

China: New report slams Chinese failure to make promised human rights reforms

Man imprisoned and tortured for complaining about eviction to make way for Olympic development With 687 days to go before the start of the Beijing Olympics, Amnesty International today (21 September)...

NI: ‘Less lethal’ doesn’t make it right

Reproduced with permission from the News Letter Amnesty International knows that the police have a difficult and dangerous job to do. Any workman wants the right tools for the job and it is perfectly...

UK: Medics condemn government over Guantánamo in new letter

Human rights group says UK must intervene in case of eight UK residents held at Guantánamo Bay Amnesty International today (18 September) called for the UK government to act over “forgotten” prisoners...