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Russia: President Putin must condemn Anna Politkovskaya murder

New letter to President Putin In a new letter to Vladimir Putin, Amnesty International has called on the Russian president to condemn the recent murder of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya...

Russian Federation: Amnesty International condemns the murder of human rights journalist Anna Politkovskaia

Amnesty International is shocked, saddened and deeply angered by the murder of Anna Politkovskaia, Russian human rights defender and journalist. Amnesty International believes that Anna Politkovskaia...

Mexico: Evidence of cover-up and failure to investigate sexual abuse claims

Mexico States authorities failed to seriously investigate allegations of at least 23 reports of sexual abuse by security forces in San Salvador Atenco, during police operations five months, Amnesty...

Africa: Forced evictions reach crisis levels

Research conducted by Amnesty International and the Geneva-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) reveals that the practice of forced evictions has reached epidemic proportions in Africa...

UK: Government must accept return of residents held at Guantánamo

Responding to reports today in The Guardian newspaper that the USA has offered to return to the UK nearly all of the UK residents currently held at Guantánamo Bay, Amnesty International is calling on...

Worldwide: New report reveals global arms industry exploiting major loopholes in arms regulations

The globalisation of the arms industry has opened up major loopholes in all current arms export regulations, allowing sales to human rights abusers and countries under arms embargoes, according to a...

Worldwide: Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu call for tough laws to control “global horror story” of Arms

Religious leaders - including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The Dalai Lama, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain and Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious...

Pakistan/UK: Leeds man’s stay of execution in Pakistan has passed, execution could happen any day

President Musharraf says it is beyond his power to intervene The stay of execution on joint UK-Pakistani national, Mirza Tahir Hussain, expired yesterday (Sunday 1 October), meaning that he could...

USA: Congress has rubber-stamped torture and other abuses

By passing the Military Commissions Act, the United States Congress has, in effect, given its stamp of approval to human rights violations committed by the USA in the “war on terror”, said Amnesty...

Pakistan: Musharraf must reveal fate of hundreds of ‘War on Terror’ detainees

New report condemns wave of ‘disappearances’ and US role Amnesty International is calling on Pakistan’s President Musharraf to reveal the fate of Pakistan’s ‘war on terror’ detainees, as it published...