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Alan Johnston: Amnesty concern grows after video shown

Amnesty International is greatly concerned by the continuing threat to the life of Alan Johnston, the BBC News reporter who has been missing for more than 100 days since his abduction in Gaza City on...

Guantánamo: Fresh call for camp to close after reports that 'closure' meeting shelved

Reacting to reports that the US administration has postponed a meeting regarding the future of the detention centre at Guantánamo Bay, including the possibility of its closure, Amnesty International...

China: Jailed blind activist beaten by other prisoners on order of guards

Jailed activist Chen Guangcheng has been severely beaten by other prisoners on the orders of prison guards and denied medical treatment, said Amnesty International today (22 June). The organisation...

Syria: Internet activists jailed after unfair trials and alleged torture

Amnesty International today (21 June) called for the release of seven students and a beautician who were jailed in Syria after calling for peaceful political reforms online. The seven are believed to...

Sierra Leone: Guilty verdicts not the end of the story for victims of war crimes

The guilty verdicts by the Special Court for Sierra Leone against three senior members of Sierra Leone's feared Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) – while a positive step – should not be the...

Scotland: Campaigners hit the streets to highlight destitution of asylum seekers

Edinburgh campaigners will leave the comfort of their homes and beds this evening (22 June) and literally take to the streets to highlight the plight of destitute asylum seekers. Members of the...

EU leaders should 'ban' renditions: New letter to EU leaders at start of summit

Amnesty International has today called on EU leaders to take action to effectively “ban” rendition flights and secret detentions in a new letter at the start of the EU summit beginning today (21-22...

Worldwide: World Refugee Day 2007

On World Refugee Day 2007, Amnesty International stands in solidarity with refugees around the world from countries such as Afghanistan, Burundi, Iraq, Burma, Sri Lanka and Sudan who are awaiting a...

Sudan: Agreement on deployment a positive development but more needs to be done

Sudan’s agreement to permit the deployment of the African Union – United Nations (AU-UN) hybrid force is a step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done to ensure that civilians are...

Palestinian Authority: Fresh appeal for Alan Johnston’s release after 100 days in captivity

Amnesty International has issued a fresh call for BBC reporter Alan Johnston to be released on the 100th day since his captivity began. Amnesty International members around the world continue to...