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Saudi Arabia: paying the price for raising human rights

Amnesty International highlights two cases of severe human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia As King Abdullah begins his second day of his UK state visit, Amnesty International has urged the UK Government...

Saudi Arabia: human rights briefing 30 October 2007

Amnesty international UK Director Kate Allen said: “Gordon Brown should use this meeting with the Saudi King to make absolutely clear that the extent and severity of human rights abuses in King...

Indonesia: Amnesty International deplores death penalty for drug offences

Human rights organisation expresses disappointment with Constitutional Court ruling Amnesty International is deeply disappointed with today’s Indonesian Constitutional Court ruling to uphold the death...

UK: Law lords hear key case on detention without charge or trial by UK forces in Iraq

From 29 to 31 October the highest court in the UK, the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords, will be hearing the case of R (Hilal Abdul Razzaq Ali Al-Jedda) v Secretary of State for Defence...

Lithuania: Amnesty dismayed by mayor's decision to ban gay rally

Gays rights conference attacked by smoke bombs after rally was banned Amnesty International is deeply concerned by yesterday’s attacks on the gay community in Vilnius, which saw the mayor ban a rally...

First Minister to Welcome Burmese Democracy Leader at FMQs

A senior colleague of the jailed Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will attend First Minister’s Questions at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 25th October and be welcomed by the First...

EU-Russia Summit: Russia must avoid Chechnya mistakes in Ingushetia

On the eve of the European Union-Russia summit in Portugal on 26 October, Amnesty International is warning the Russian authorities not to repeat mistakes previously made in Chechnya in the...

Congo: Amnesty report uncovers government-backed agents of torture

Security forces ‘guilty’ of detention, torture and murder of political opponents The government of President Joseph Kabila must launch an urgent and independent investigation into the systematic...

Burma: exiled PM to call Northern Ireland to uphold arms embargo

Sein Win to face Northern Ireland politicians in historic meeting The head of Burma’s elected “government-in-exile” will make a historic visit to Belfast later today (25 October 2007) to call on the...

New report slams Hamas and Fatah over human rights abuse in factional fighting

Call for human rights team to investigate; arms transfer halt call Factional fighting between Hamas and Fatah forces in the Gaza Strip earlier this year left 350 Palestinians dead and has been...