Press releases in 2008
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Edinburgh : Amnesty International has announced its line-up for this year’s Edinburgh Festival - the human rights campaigners’ biggest and widest-ranging programme from the Festival’s main “cause”...
Amnesty International said that today’s announcement by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is an important step towards ensuring accountability for human rights violations in...
Amnesty International revealed in 2007 that arms were still being transferred to Darfur in spite of UN embargo The revelation in tonight’s BBC’s current affairs programme Panorama that China is...
Two Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights and a child among dead in ambush in Buttala today Amnesty International today condemned the targeting of civilians in the ongoing...
At least a dozen armed men who are believed to be linked to the ruling ZANU-PF party in Zimbabwe have attacked an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp and abducted 11 young people who were keeping...
Violent attacks downgraded to ‘hooliganism’, Jews attacked, Roma fingerprinted There has been an “alarming” rise in the number of racist attacks in Ukraine, said Amnesty International today, as it...
While Prime Minister Gordon Brown talks tough on Mugabe at the G8 summit, Zimbabweans who have sought safety in Britain are being treated inhumanely, said Amnesty International today. The call comes...
Responding to today’s call from the Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police John Yates for all police forces to set up a specialist unit to investigate rape allegations, the End Violence...
Amnesty International and over 20 international and regional human rights organisations have called on the Iranian authorities to spare the lives of four child offenders facing execution in the...
Amnesty International will issue an open letter, to Chinese President Hu Jintao, from Amnesty Secretary General Irene Khan on Tuesday 8 July, exactly one month ahead of the opening of the Beijing...