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First PSNI use of taser: Amnesty International response.

Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International's Northern Ireland office stated: “Amnesty recognises that police officers have a duty to protect themselves and others from serious life-threatening...

Scotland: New Amnesty research suggests modern-day slave trade extends across Scotland

New research published today (20 August) suggests that people trafficking - the modern-day equivalent of the slave trade - is occurring around Scotland. The "Scotland's Slaves" briefing paper...

Iran: The 20th Anniversary of 1988 'prison massacre'

Twenty years after the then Iranian authorities began a wave of largely secret, summary and mass executions in September 1988, Amnesty International renews its call for those responsible for the...

Sudan: Hundreds unaccounted for and 109 to face sham trials following 10 May attacks

38 people sentenced to death for 10 May Khartoum attacks Hundreds of people – including Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights and a nine-month old boy – have been detained by the...

Sri Lanka: Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and Government endangering tens of thousands of lives

Thousands of families who fled the recent fighting between Sri Lankan forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) must be allowed to move to safer areas and to receive necessary...

Iran: Woman faces 100 lashes for adultery

An Iranian woman been sentenced to 100 lashes, after being found guilty of adultery at a retrial. The woman, Shamaheh Ghorbani, claims that she only said she was having a relationship with a man found...

India: Amnesty demands a repeal of 'shoot on sight' orders

Amnesty International today (14 August 2008) called on the government of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir to rescind the order issued yesterday to authorise security forces to “shoot on sight” in...

Amnesty Urges Belfast City Council to put Human Rights on the Agenda

As the third birthday of the sister city agreement between Belfast and Hefei, China, approaches and against the background of the Olympic games in Beijing, Amnesty International will be presenting a...

Georgia: Amnesty calls on all sides to ensure civilians protected

Organisation issues war crimes warning Amnesty International has today called on all sides to the conflict in Georgia to fully respect international humanitarian law and to ensure that civilians are...

Argentina: Scrapping of military code of justice welcomed

Amnesty International welcomes the decision by the Argentine Parliament to scrap the 1951 Military Code of Justice, thus abolishing the death penalty in all cases and closing military courts of...