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Scotland: Rendition flights - Miliband apology welcomed but more information needed

Responding to the Foreign Secretary David Miliband's apology for previously failing to inform the House of Commons and the UK public about two US "extraordinary rendition" flights that landed in 2002...

Rendition flights: Miliband apology welcomed but more information needed

Responding to today’s apology from the Foreign Secretary David Miliband about previously failing to inform the House of Commons and the UK public about two US “extraordinary rendition” flights that...

Five African migrants shot dead crossing Egypt-Israel border

Amnesty International supporters are sending appeals to the Egyptian authorities expressing concern that three men and two Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights have been shot...

China: Miliband must insist there is no repeat of Tiananmen square, says Amnesty

As UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband heads to China this week, Amnesty International has urged him to insist that peaceful protests during the Beijing Olympics are not met with state violence. In a...

Chad: Human rights crisis brewing in aftermath of attack on N'djamena

Amnesty International has urged the Chadian government to stop persecuting senior members of political opposition parties, journalists and supporters of opposition political groups. Three leading...

USA's record on avoiding race discrimination

With the USA’s record on racial discrimination coming under UN scrutiny in Geneva on 21 and 22 February, Amnesty International is making available its own briefing to the UN on the issue. Tomorrow and...

Uganda: Government cannot negotiate away international criminal court arrest warrants for LRA

LRA members charged with crimes under international law must be surrendered to the International Criminal Court (ICC) immediately, Amnesty International said today, reacting to the news that a deal...

Communities unite to launch human rights project for primary schools

Lift Off gets backing from political leaders north and south Amnesty International and teaching unions on both sides of the border will put the issue of human rights firmly into the classroom today...

Colombia: Peace community members return home three years after massacre

Amnesty International today urged the Colombian government and armed groups involved in the country’s internal conflict to respect the right of members of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó...

Cambridge turns orange in call for closure of Guantanamo Bay

Students and academics to lead day-long orange jumpsuit protest Cambridge University Amnesty International has persuaded hundreds of students and academics to don orange jumpsuits today to call for...