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Amnesty International UK
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Australia: Apology essential first step in addressing legacy of indigenous human rights abuse

Amnesty International today welcomed the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s apology to the members of the “Stolen Generation” of indigenous Australians and their families. Amnesty International...

USA: Potential Guantanamo executions after torture and unfair trial

The Pentagon’s announcement that it has charged six “high-value” detainees at Guantánamo Bay raises yet more questions about the USA’s conduct in the “war on terror”, said Amnesty International...

Libya: fears for life of 66-year-old prisoner of conscience with diabetes and artery disease

Amnesty International has expressed grave concern for the life of a 66-year-old man being held in Libya who is suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary artery disease and is being...

East Timor: Impunity culture to blame for assasination attempts, says Amnesty

Failure to strengthen legal institution has left East Timor trapped in a cycle of violence As more peacekeepers arrive in East Timor under the state of emergency imposed following the shooting of...

Sri Lanka: Amnesty report reveals surge in violence against journalists

Threats to the media and media freedoms have increased dramatically As hostilities in Sri Lanka intensify and human rights abuses increase, threats to the media and media freedoms inside the country...

Poetry competition: Pupils challenged to produce poems without pen and paper

Nationwide competition asks UK’s schoolChildren's rights to imagine life as a detainee Amnesty International today launched a poetry competition for secondary schools across the UK, but with a twist...

Future of the Arms Treaty in hands of 28 government experts

Talks starting today in the UN offer an historic way forward on conventional arms control, say Control Arms campaigners. Today 28 delegates from every continent will sit on the Group of Governmental...

Forced evictions in Cambodia: homes razed, lives in ruins

Amnesty International report published today reveals horrors faced by thousands “ I lost my house, rice and belongings like clothes and utensils. All houses were burned down and destroyed by the...

Sudan: Security Council must resource Darfur mission

In a briefing sent ahead of the UN Security Council debate on Darfur, Amnesty International today urged Council members to ensure the UN mission to Darfur has the resources needed to fulfil its...

Improvements to UK arms export controls need to go further

In response to the UK Government’s initial response to public consultations on UK arms export controls, the UK Working Group on Arms (1) welcomed the announcement of some improvements to the controls...