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Amnesty International 2008 gifts catalogue launched

Amnesty International has launched its new 2008 catalogue containing scores of gift ideas for Christmas and beyond. The illustrated catalogue contains a wide range of high-quality, ethically-sourced...

USA: Spate of executions during election month - 'chilling reminder' of human rights failings

Seven executions set for next 10 days Amnesty International has today (11 November) described a spate of executions scheduled in the United States during November as a “chilling reminder” of how much...

Gambia: Government must stop using security forces to repress its citizens

Gambia’s national army, National Intelligence Agency and police force have been used as tools of repression for the government, Amnesty International said as it launched its new report, entitled...

Congo (DRC): Open letter to all members of the Security Council

To all members of the Security Council Amnesty International is deeply concerned that the already existing humanitarian and human rights crisis in eastern DRC has worsened sharply in recent weeks...

Burma: 65-year prison sentences for protestors reveal government's true intentions

Today sentencing of 65 years imprisonment each for at least 14 protestors from last year's anti-government demonstrations is a powerful reminder that Burma’s military government is ignoring calls by...

Guantanamo: New call on European governments to take detainees

Five leading human rights groups this morning called on European governments to provide humanitarian protection to Guantánamo detainees who will not be charged with any crime but cannot be returned to...

Swede Offers Rights Solution To Indiscipline in Schools

Northern Ireland schools can improve their performance and cut indiscipline by putting respect for the rights of pupils and teachers at the heart of the classroom. That is the message which Sweden's...

Somalia: Increased wave of attacks and violence put three million Somalis at risk of malnutrition and disease

The deaths of at least 40 humanitarian or human rights workers this year alone, and the ever growing threat of attack by armed groups and militias, is putting at least three million Somalis at even...

Congo(DRC): Decisive action needed to stop catastrophe, says Amnesty International

Leaders must demonstrate commitment at Nairobi summit In advance of an emergency global summit in Nairobi, Kenya, Amnesty International today (6 Nov) urged African and international leaders to press...

President-Elect Obama should make a clean break with human rights abuses of past

New ‘checklist’ of human rights reforms issued Amnesty International has today urged US President-elect Barack Obama to make a clean break with the human rights abuses of the past. Having already...