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Philippines: Thousands suffering impact of shattered peace talks

400,000 displaced, over 100 civilians killed and 140 people taken hostage The suspension of the peace talks between the government of the Philippines and insurgents in the southern island of Mindanao...

Colombia: Government in denial over human rights abuses

The Colombian government is painting a positive picture of the human rights situation in Colombia, despite increasing reports of forced internal displacement, attacks against social and human rights...

EU must grasp 'rare opportunity' to press for release of political prisoners in Burma

Amnesty to hold demonstration on the day that Aung San Suu Kyi completes her 13th year in detention and EU and Asian leaders meet in Beijing Amnesty International today called on European Union...

China: Call for release of Hu Jia as he receives European Parliament Sakharov prize

The awarding of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is a significant acknowledgement of the work of Hu Jia, said Amnesty International as the prize was announced today by the European Parliament...

Amnesty vigil for Troy Davis outside US Embassy: Monday 27 October, 5pm

Campaigners’ last-ditch effort to save man set to die despite strong innocence claims Amnesty International campaigners are mounting a candle-lit vigil for the death row prisoner Troy Davis on the...

Nigeria: Hundreds on death row may be innocent, says Amnesty-new report

Dreadful conditions: Prisoners on death row are held in cells where they can witness executions. After a prisoner has been hanged, other death row prisoners are forced to clean the gallow Hundreds of...

Livia Firth's Mumia Abu-Jamal film to launch at special London event

Death penalty film to be centerpiece of event with Livia and Colin Firth, Sam Roddick, Juliet Stevenson, Alan Rickman, Ben Chaplin, Ben Barnes, Beverley Knight and others Evening a ‘Bondage To Freedom...

Afghanistan: Journalist Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh should be freed

Afghan journalist Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh should be freed immediately as there have never been any legal grounds for his conviction or sentence, Amnesty International said today, in response to news...

Protect The Human playwriting competition finalists announced

Three finalists have been chosen from more than 125 plays submitted for the second annual Protect The Human Playwriting Award produced by iceandfire and Amnesty International. The competition seeks to...

Over 2000 MPs from 124 states in urgent call to Control Arms

World’s Parliamentarians urge UN to back Arms Treaty The United Nations has today received the demands of over 2000 parliamentarians from 124 countries for urgent progress towards negotiation of an...