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Amnesty International UK
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Nigeria: Police 'Disappear' four people in Niger Delta

Amnesty International today (17 April) warned that police in the Niger Delta region are increasingly using illegal and violent means to tackle suspected militants and criminals in the area – including...

Amnesty demo at Iranian Embassy for young woman facing execution by Monday

Amnesty International members will demonstrate outside the Iranian embassy at 9am on Monday (20 April) against the scheduled execution of a young Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's...

Sudan: Director of Darfur torture treatment center in incommunicado detention

Amnesty International today (16 April) expressed concern for the safety of the director of a Darfur torture treatment centre, following his recent arrest by National Intelligence and Security Services...

India: Government has failed victims of 1984 Sikh massacre

‘A national disgrace’ – says Amnesty International Twenty five years after the 1984 massacre of thousands of Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere immediately after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira...

Sudan: Execution of nine potentially innocent men deplored

Amnesty International has deplored the execution of nine people yesterday in Sudan, saying that the nine men may have been innocent. There are concerns that the nine hanged men were convicted of the...

Iraq/Kurdistan: 'Asayish' security force ' a law unto itself'-New report

* Detainees held without charge or trial for almost a decade * Improving Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights’s rights blighted by ‘honour killings’ and forced marriage Security...

China: Human rights action plan welcome, but more balance is needed, says Amnesty

Amnesty International today welcomed China’s recently-released National Human Rights Action Plan. Its publication signals the importance that the Chinese authorities place on the protection of human...

Nepal: Two Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights human rights activists murdered after government fails to protect them from violent attacks

Two Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights’s rights activists in Nepal have now been murdered since the new government came to power, said Amnesty International today (10 April)...

UK/Rwanda: UK High Court decision not to extradite genocide suspects

Following the decision taken by the High Court not to extradite four Rwandan men suspected of genocide and other crimes under international law in Rwanda, Campaigns Director of Amnesty International...

New Amnesty report exposes racism in Austrian police and justice system

Racist abuse and ill-treatment by the Austrian police, together with wider discrimination against ethnic minorities and migrants in Austria’s criminal justice system, are exposed in a new Amnesty...