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Amnesty International UK
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Afghanistan: Journalists threatened by both government and Taleban in lead-up to elections

* Journalists from 13 Afghan provinces report government intimidation Ahead of the Afghan presidential elections (20 August), journalists from 13 provinces in Afghanistan have told Amnesty...

China: Free Sichuan earthquake activists

On the eve of the scheduled trial of Tan Zuoren on charges of “inciting subversion of state power”, Amnesty International urges the Chinese authorities to drop the politically-motivated prosecution...

Chechnya: New killings condemned

‘It is critically important … that the authorities fully investigate these crimes’ Amnesty International called for an end to impunity for the murder of human rights defenders, journalists and lawyers...

Burma: Amnesty labels Aung San Suu Kyi's sentence as 'shameful'

Call for Aung San Suu Kyi's immediate release. Today’s guilty verdict against Aung San Suu Kyi by a court in Burma has been described by Amnesty International’s Secretary General Irene Khan as...

Amnesty campaigners in Northern Ireland: Amnesty: Aung San Suu Kyi trial a 'farce', verdict a 'sick joke'

Call for Aung San Suu Kyi’s immediate release. Today’s guilty verdict against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi by a court in Burma has been described by Amnesty International campaigners in Northern Ireland as "a...

Sri Lanka: Amnesty calls for detention camps to be unlocked

Equivalent of Bournemouth’s population live, eat and sleep in area size of Wembley Stadium Amnesty International today called for the immediate release of 285,000 innocent civilians - including an...

Iraq: Response to Danny Fitzsimons case

Responding to reports that a British employee of a security company working in Iraq may face a death sentence, Amnesty International UK Media Director Mike Blakemore said: “It’s right that private...

UK: foreign affairs committee criticism of government torture and rendition underlines need for full inquiry

Amnesty International UK today responded to the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC), echoing its concerns regarding allegations of UK complicity in torture and rendition and calling for a...

Iran: 115 executions since elections

‘Alarming spike’ in numbers represents ‘significant increase’, says Amnesty The eight weeks between the presidential election on 12 June and the inauguration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term...

Georgia-Russia war: One year on thousands still can't go home-New report

Fresh call for war crimes investigation Exactly one year on from the outbreak of last summer’s war between Georgia and Russia, thousands of civilians from both sides are still unable to return to...