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'Milky Way' rocker faces execution on trumped up charges

Igor Koktysh, a rock musician, social activist and supporter of the political opposition in Belarus, is being held in Ukraine and is facing extradition to Belarus, where he could be executed on...

Trafigura, Ivory Coast: Toxic waste dump victims pin hopes on 19 November appeals

Victims tell Amnesty they want justice and they want their money Victims of the 2006 toxic waste dumping scandal in Ivory Coast have told Amnesty that they are eagerly waiting for the Ivorian courts...

Iran: Amnesty urges authorities not to punish with amputations

Amnesty International today (12 November) expressed serious concern at reports that the head of Iran's Police Criminal Investigation department has called for greater reliance on the amputation of the...

Bangladesh: Fair trials needed to ensure justice for victims of mutiny

The Bangladesh government must ensure justice for the victims of the February 2009 Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) mutiny by ensuring that all suspects receive a fair trial, Amnesty International said in a...

Violence Against Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights: Proposal to help victims of violence is a 'welcome step' but permanent plan is needed

Amnesty International today (11 Nov) cautiously welcomed the Home Office‘s three-month pilot scheme to grant Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights facing violence and who have...

Indonesia: 900 students face forced eviction from university site

Amnesty International has today (11 November) appealed to its supporters to write to the Indonesian authorities on behalf of an estimated 900 students who are facing imminent forced eviction from the...

China: Hasty executions highlight unfair Xinjiang trials

The Chinese authorities must ensure all individuals charged with offences during July riots in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR) receive a fair trial and do not face the death penalty...

UK: Grieving families denied justice if government power to replace inquests with secret inquiries goes ahead

Families who have lost loved ones at the hands of the state could be kept in the dark as to what really happened, under proposals that the UK government is expected to push for today (9 November). As...

Saudi Arabia: Call for crucifixion execution to be halted

Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal to the Saudi Arabian authorities calling for the intended execution and crucifixion of a 22-year-old man to be halted. Saudi Arabia's Court of...

Goldstone report: UN adoption vote 'vitally important' for accountability over Gaza conflict

United Kingdom abstains in crucial vote Yesterday’s UN vote adopting key recommendations of the Goldstone report on the conflict in Gaza and southern Israel earlier this year is vitally important for...