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Amnesty International UK
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Amnesty welcomes Binyam Mohamed court decision

Amnesty International today reacted to news that the UK High Court has ordered the release of US documents allegedly detailing the torture of UK resident Binyam Mohammed. Amnesty International UK Head...

USA joins arm trade treaty talks, but at high price

NGOs welcome US support but warn that proposal to give any Member State veto power would weaken not strengthen future Treaty New York: Today’s announcement by the USA of support for the Arms Treaty...

Texas, USA: Man faces execution after jurors consulted bible to decide his fate

‘And if he smite him with an instrument of iron … the murderer shall surely be put to death’ - Biblical passage relied on by jurors Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal for a man facing...

Guatemala: Killings of indigenous rural workers must not go unpunished

Amnesty International calls on the Guatemalan authorities to thoroughly investigate the killings of two indigenous rural workers shot and killed in separate incidents in the last two weeks. One rural...

Amnesty Secretary General publishes new book on poverty and human rights

‘The Unheard Truth’: World leaders must change the debate on poverty and human rights In the run up to the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October) Amnesty International’s...

Amnesty reveals its Twitter '10 best human rights films' ahead of National Schools Film Week

Award-winning director Danny Boyle and Amnesty Director Kate Allen to launch prestigious film festival. On the day (Thursday 15 October) of the launch of National Schools Film Week, Amnesty...

Northern Ireland: Chain-gang of shackled doctors highlight plight of doctor on “trumped up charges”

A “chain gang” of shackled doctors will parade today (Thursday) in Belfast to call for charges to be dropped against one particular doctor who dared to speak out on behalf of his patients...

UK: Oxfam and Amnesty call on Miliband to reject US proposal to give every State a veto over crucial arms treaty

Call on UK to show leadership to ensure an effective treaty London/New York : The US government’s plans to give every State a veto over a crucial Arms treaty must be rejected by the British government...

Sri Lanka: Quarter of a million people trapped between military and impending monsoon

‘Detention camps’ lack basic facilities and may be a ‘collective punishment’ A quarter of a million Sri Lankans now being held in de facto detention camps are facing a humanitarian disaster as monsoon...

Belarus: Amnesty appeal for man facing execution by Monday

As the England football team prepares to face Belarus in Wednesday’s World Cup Qualifier, Amnesty International has launched an urgent appeal for Vasily Yusepchuk, a man facing execution as soon as...