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Sudan: Court ruling should mark end of hostilities in Abyei

The hostilities that have caused the death of thousands of people around Sudan’s oil-rich Abyei must come to an end when the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague issues its ruling on the...

Saudi Arabia: 'Dire' human rights situation made 'even worse' by counter-terrorism drive

* New report condemns detention without trial of thousands in Kingdom * UK resident Shaker Aamer faces Saudi detention without charge or trial if transferred from Guantánamo Amnesty International has...

Northern Ireland joins global day of action for Iran

Northern Ireland campaigners will be joining activists from throughout the world this Saturday (25 July) to hold a Global Day of Action for Iran . Activists, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead...

Maldives: 180 people face flogging for extramarital sex on honeymoon islands

Amnesty International has learned that at least 180 people face being flogged in the Maldives as a punishment for extramarital sex. The vast majority of those who are flogged in the Maldives are Women...

Protesters call to end the 'sham' of freedom day by allowing free speech in Gambia

Dozens of protestors took part in a demonstration outside the Gambian High Commission in London to call for free speech in Gambia on the eve of the country’s national holiday, Freedom Day (22 July)...

Jamaica: 'Grim' outlook on public security crisis, but new initiatives to improve situation welcomed, says Amnesty

84 people killed by police between January and May 2009 – an increase of 58 per cent over the same period in 2008 Amnesty International today welcomed initiatives by the Jamaican Government to tackle...

Bosnia and Herzegovina war crimes trial: still no justice for rape victims

The conviction of Milan and Sredoje Lukiæ for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (Tribunal) brings justice for the killing of...

Nigeria: Shell's response to Amnesty report is disappointing

Nigeria: Shell’s response to Amnesty International’s report Petroleum, Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta is disappointing In reaction to Amnesty International’s report of 30 June 2009...

Iran: Alarm at violent arrest of Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights's rights activist Shadi Sadr

Arrest fuels fear that wave of arrests is intensifying Amnesty International fears the wave of arrests of civil society activists in Iran is intensifying after the leading lawyer and Women's rights's...

Amnesty International condemns forced evictions of Cambodian families

The forced eviction of 60 low-income families in central Phnom Penh on Thursday and Friday was strongly condemned by Amnesty International today. The families dismantled their homes after three years...