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Imprisoned Azerbaijani journalist faces new jail term on 'fabricated' drugs charges

Amnesty International has condemned the sentencing of imprisoned Azerbaijani journalist Eynulla Fatullayev to two and a half years for possession of drugs, charges the organisation believes to have...

Amnesty challenges OFMDM on public assemblies bill

Amnesty International has written to Northern Ireland’s First and Deputy First Minister outlining concerns over the proposed new legislation regulating parades and public assembly: The Public...

Iran must halt tomorrow's hanging of Mohammad Reza Haddadi, convicted aged 15

Amnesty International is urgently calling on the Iranian authorities to halt the imminent execution of Mohammad Reza Haddadi, who could face death by hanging as soon as tomorrow (Wednesday 7 July) for...

Syria: Elderly lawyer's imprisonment condemned

Amnesty International has condemned yesterday’s sentencing to three years in prison of veteran 78-year old Syrian lawyer and human rights activist Haytham al-Maleh. Haytham al-Maleh has been sentenced...

Syria: Authorities must reveal truth about 2008 prison disappearances

The clashes between inmates and military police at Saydnaya Military Prison near Damascus began on 5 July 2008. Unconfirmed reports say the violence erupted after police officers shot dead nine...

Israel steps up forced evictions in Jordan Valley

Amnesty International has urged the Israeli authorities to halt forced evictions of Palestinians in the West Bank after a recent spate of military eviction orders were served on Palestinians in the...

Iran: Full disclosure required of deaths and torture at notorious detention centre

Amnesty International has called on the Iranian authorities to disclose immediately the full facts of the case in which two individuals are reported to have been sentenced to death for abusing...

China: New testimonies reinforce call for Xinjiang riot investigation

Amnesty International is urging the Chinese government to launch an independent investigation into last year’s riots in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, after new testimony obtained by the...

Aftermath - Part of LIFT 2010: London-wide International Theatre Festival

LIFT in association with The Old Vic, ArKtype and Amnesty International present: AFTERMATH Part of LIFT 2010: London-wide International Theatre Festival The Old Vic Tunnels, 8th to 17th July at 7.45pm...

New Amnesty chief calls on governments to respect rights of world's most vulnerable people

Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s new Secretary General, today began his first full day in office by pledging to do all he can to ensure governments respect the rights of the world’s most...