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Amnesty International UK
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Azerbaijan urged to release journalist after court revokes charges

Amnesty International is urging the Azerbaijani authorities to release a journalist who, despite a Supreme Court ruling this week revoking fabricated charges against him, remains in prison on a new...

Rendition: New report criticises EU for lack of progress over investigations

Ahead of an EU-USA summit in Portugal (20 November), Amnesty International has called on the EU - including EU countries like the United Kingdom - to deliver justice for the victims of the CIA’s...

Burma: New radio project to mark Aung San Suu Kyi's release

Two days after the release of Aung San Suu Kyi Amnesty has announced the launch of a project to deliver thousands of radios to the people of Burma. Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International UK...

Burma: Aung San Suu Kyi's release, the world should not be fooled

It only marks the end of an unfair sentence that was illegally extended, and is by no means a concession on the part of the authorities. Amnesty International today welcomes the release of Aung San...

Western Sahara: Deaths at protest camp must be investigated

The Moroccan authorities must open an independent investigation into events that led to a number of deaths and injuries at Gadaym Izik, a protest camp near Laayoune, Western Sahara, Amnesty...

Indonesia: Mandatory pregnancy and virginity tests for school girls should be stopped

Amnesty International today called on the Indonesian government to block discriminatory moves to institute pregnancy and virginity tests for high school girls. Media reports earlier this week say that...

Egypt: Imprisoned blogger Kareem Amer must be released

Amnesty International has today called on the Egyptian authorities to immediately release a blogger who the authorities continue to hold despite his completion of a four-year prison sentence. Kareem...

Waterboarding: US must begin criminal investigation after Bush admission

Destruction of videotapes may have concealed crimes Amnesty International has called for a criminal investigation into the role of former US President George W Bush and other officials in the use of...

Mahmod honour killing: Reaction

Responding to the convictions today of two men - cousins Mohammed Saleh Ali and Omar Hussain - found guilty of the murder of Banaz Mahmod, a young Iraqi Kurdish woman from Mitcham in south London...

Hungarian authorities failing to investigate and punish attacks on Roma, says new Amnesty report

The Hungarian authorities are failing in their duty to record, investigate, prosecute and punish all racially motivated crimes against Roma people, Amnesty International says in a new report published...