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CIA agent Robert Seldon Lady must face justice in Italy over rendition

‘Robert Seldon Lady … should have to answer the charges against him in Italy in person’ - John Dalhuisen Amnesty International is calling for the return of the CIA agent Robert Seldon Lady to Italy to...

Bradley Manning: aiding the enemy charge is 'ludicrous'

Today’s decision by a US military judge not to drop the charge accusing the US Private Bradley Manning of “aiding the enemy” is a ludicrous decision which “makes a mockery of the US military court...

Russia: Navalny case labelled 'parody of a prosecution and a parody of a trial'

The sentencing today of the popular Russian blogger and informal opposition leader Aleksei Navalny has been denounced as “a parody of a prosecution and a parody of a trial”. Navlany was sentenced...

Burma: President's promise over prisoners of conscience coincides with latest arrest

Thein Sein says no POCs by end of year, but 74-year-old lawyer is latest detainee Amnesty International has called into question President Thein Sein’s recent commitment to clear Burma’s jails of...

Bangladesh: death sentence at war crimes tribunal is 'extremely regrettable'

Amnesty International has described as “extremely regrettable” a death sentence given earlier today to Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujaheed, a key member of Bangladesh’s opposition Jamaat-e-Islami party. Ali...

Egypt: Morsi supporters reportedly beaten upon arrest

Detainees report being made to crawl on broken glass by security forces after their arrest Hundreds of supporters of the former president Mohamed Morsi arrested by the Egyptian authorities have been...

UK: Parliament committee report slams arms sales to repressive regimes

The UK government must urgently explain why it is issuing licences for the sale of lethal weapons to repressive regimes including those on its own list of countries of human rights concern, Control...

Italy: full accountability needed in Kazakhstan expulsion affair

*‘A woman and her young daughter were whisked out of Italy on a private plane … and sent to a country where they would be at risk of persecution’ - John Dalhuisen *Kazakhstani politician was refugee...

China: recent legal reforms failing - new briefing

Six months on from issuing a new Criminal Procedure Law designed to reform China's criminal justice system, the Chinese authorities are still illegally holding detainees in custody and refusing them...

Cameron must press Burmese president over human rights of Rohingya Muslims during UK visit

‘Thein Sein’s dismal handling of the situation is unacceptable, and we fully expect to hear Cameron say so’ - Kate Allen Prime Minister David Cameron should challenge Burma’s president over what it...