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Russia and Ukraine colluding in region-wide renditions programme - new report

People abducted and sent back to torture and unfair trials in Central Asian countries ‘These renditions would not be possible without the complicity of public officials in the judicial and law...

UAE: conviction of 68 government critics after 'grossly unfair' trial condemned

‘The slick PR of the UAE is not enough to hide the fact that the trial was grossly unfair and that fundamental rights have been recklessly disregarded’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui The conviction earlier...

Russia: New anti-gay laws an affront to basic human rights

President Vladimir Putin’s new laws criminalising blasphemy and outlawing public activism by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals are an affront to freedom of

US attempts to block Edward Snowden's asylum efforts is deplorable

‘It is his unassailable right, enshrined in international law, to claim asylum and this should not be impeded’ - Michael Bochenek

EU should press for prisoners releases as it meets in Bahrain

‘It would be a slap in the face for many Bahrainis if EU officials were to visit Bahrain and not publicly call for the release of prisoners of conscience’ - Nicolas Berger Amnesty International has...

Egypt: call for security forces to show restraint with mass demos expected

On-the-ground Amnesty experts available for interview from Cairo With nationwide demonstrations expected in Egypt this weekend to mark the one-year point since President Mohamed Morsi took office...

Lithuania: Vilnius authorities ban upcoming Baltic Pride march

The municipal authorities of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, must allow the upcoming Baltic Pride to take place, Amnesty International said today. After a meeting yesterday with Amnesty and the...

Syria: As 'patently unfair' trial of 5 men put on hold - Amnesty calls for charges to be dropped

The Syrian authorities must drop charges against five human rights activists whose "patently unfair" terror trial was today put on hold for another two months, Amnesty International said. The five men...

USA: Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage welcomed

However, concerns expressed over separate ‘Proposition 8’ ruling Amnesty International has this afternoon welcomed a decision by the US Supreme Court to strike down a provision in a law that...

USA: call for 'shameful' 500th execution in Texas tonight to be stopped

African American woman’s trial was held with overwhelmingly white jury Amnesty International has described the planned 500th execution in the US state of Texas tonight as a “shameful milestone” and is...