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Syria: renewed call for end to attacks on civilians after Damascus mosque bombing

Amnesty International has called on all parties to the Syrian armed conflict to abide by international humanitarian law and end attacks which target or indiscriminately kill and injure civilians...

Kuwait: citizenship bill welcomed, but Bidun discrimination still 'stain' on reputation

The Kuwaiti parliament’s decision this week to grant citizenship to up to 4,000 “foreigners” is a step in the right direction but much more must be done to protect the rights of more than 100,000 of...

Russia: latest 'foreign agents' crackdown on human rights NGOs condemned

Prosecutor’s office plans to ‘inspect’ thousands of groups throughout country A new wave of inspections of nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) in Russia in the past fortnight is part of an...

North Korea: UN Commission of Inquiry a positive step in addressing crimes against humanity

The North Korean government must co-operate fully with a new UN investigation - the Commission of Inquiry - into grave, systematic and widespread human rights violations in the country, Amnesty...

Turkey: Authorities must seize the opportunity created by the PKK ceasefire

The Turkish authorities must act on today’s announcement of ceasefire by the imprisoned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdulah Ocalan, Amnesty International said today. Amnesty International...

Obama should visit West Bank villages affected by the Wall and settler harassment

‘International law demands the fence/wall and the settlements be removed from the Occupied Palestinian Territories’ - Ann Harrison Israel’s fence/wall through the occupied West Bank - and the...

Sri Lanka: UN resolution shows failure to investigate abuses

A new UN resolution passed today, does a good job of highlighting past and on-going human rights violations in Sri Lanka, but regrettably fails to establish an independent and international...

Russia: Lawyers under attack in troubled North Caucasus region - new report

Lawyers beaten, run over and shot dead Lawyers are coming under attack in the troubled North Caucasus region of Russia, particularly when trying to represent people accused of involvement in the...

Zimbabwe: Prominent human rights lawyer must be released immediately

Prominent human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa must be immediately and unconditionally released, Amnesty International said after she was denied bail in a court appearance today. Mtetwa was arrested on...

Arms 'free-for-all' is shattering communities in Ivory Coast

Reckless and illegal arms supplies from Europe, Africa and China to the warring parties in Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) over the past decade continue to fuel grave human rights abuses and violent crime...