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Somalia: UN Arms Embargo must stay in place

Amnesty International warned that armed groups such as al-Shabab could get their hands on more weapons if the United Nations Security Council agree to lift the arms embargo on Somalia later this week...

Maldives: Former president arrested

The arrest of the former President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, is an example of selective justice from the authorities and highlights their failure to investigate other serious human rights...

Government 'just not listening' to widespread criticism of secret justice measures

‘The government has been deaf to criticism’ - Kate Allen Ahead of the controversial Justice and Security Bill being debated in the House of Commons this week, Amnesty International has warned that the...

Italy: Rome's authorities deny social housing to Roma's communities

The new Italian government and municipal authorities in Rome must act urgently to end discriminatory policies which deny Roma communities access to social housing, Amnesty International said today. In...

South Africa: death of man after police vehicle dragging incident 'shocking'

Media reports and cell phone footage apparently showing South African police tying a Mozambican man to the back of a police vehicle and dragging him down the road are “shocking”, Amnesty International...

US State of Louisiana urged not to appeal against overturning of 'Angola 3' conviction

Albert Woodfox’s case has raised serious human rights concerns, says Amnesty Amnesty International is urging the Attorney General of the US State of Louisiana not to appeal against a federal court...

Ivory Coast: New army committing acts of revenge and repression under pretence of security

Detainees tortured with electricity and molten plastic to extract confessions 28 people held in a four-metre squared cell with no sanitation for 49 days [Footage and report available upon request]...

Diary - 2 March - Activists to stage dramatic 'die-in' in Shoreditch to call for tough arms treaty

On Saturday 2 March at 3.30pm, up to 100 young people from across the UK will take part in a ‘die-in’ in Shoreditch, east London to illustrate the deadly impact of the poorly regulated Arms. They will...

Moroccan journalist faces jail for publishing article on minister's £800 champagne dinner

A Moroccan editor is facing imprisonment on charges of disseminating false information after he ran a story alleging that a senior government official spent almost £800 of public money on a champagne...

Florida set to execute man tomorrow despite lawyer missing key appeal deadline

Paul Howell would be first Florida death row inmate to be executed without a federal judicial review The US state of Florida should halt the execution of a man denied a federal review of his appeal...