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Russia has forced hundreds of asylum-seekers back to face torture in Uzbekistan - new report

‘The Russian authorities are not simply turning a blind eye to torture and injustice in Uzbekistan, they are lending a helping hand’ - John Dalhuisen

Obama's Saudi Arabia visit musn't overlook human rights

Open letter to US president names over 40 prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait and Oman

Indonesia: Cameron must raise 'deeply troubling human rights abuses' under leadership of visiting President Joko Widodo

Prime Minister David Cameron must challenge Indonesian President Joko Widodo over the country’s woeful human rights record during his visit to the UK this week, Amnesty International said tod

Syria: new video shows 'shocking' reality of barrel bombing in besieged city of Daraya

‘This video shows in shocking close-up detail what civilians in Daraya have had to live through’ - Magdalena Mughrabi

New appeal to stand with women and girls in West Africa who are leading revolution against FGM and child marriage

New appeal with DfID to prevent FGM for more than 8,000 girls and child marriage for over 7,000 girls

Congo-Brazzaville: bombs dropped in residential areas including schools likely act of retaliation

30 bombs dropped on residential areas according to eyewitnesses Three out of the four buildings of local primary school were hit