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Amnesty International UK
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Millions of letters to deliver hope to people denied human rights - new campaign

Amnesty International’s Write for Rights letter-writing campaign launches People held in UK immigration detention centres and 10 human rights activists detained in Turkey amongst those receiving...

Northern Ireland: Westminster must now legislate for marriage equality - campaigners

Westminster must now legislate for marriage equality in Northern Ireland following the collapse of the inter-party talks to restore devolved government in the province, say Love Equality campaigners...

USA: suspect in New York truck attack must not be sent to Guantánamo

Sayfullo Saipov is criminal suspect and ‘should be treated as such by the US justice system’ Responding to US President Donald Trump saying he would consider sending the man accused of yesterday’s...

Israel denies entry to Amnesty staff member

Move apparently ‘retaliation’ for Amnesty’s settlement goods campaign ‘It flies in the face of the government’s repeated claims that Israel is a tolerant state’ - Philip Luther Israel’s decision to...